Stop extraction at End of table/section indicator

Use the End of table/section indicator field in the Designer to specify to IQ Bot where to stop extracting data from a table.


Create a learning instance and begin training documents in the Designer. Map all the fields in the document before populating the End of table/section indicator field.

As an example, an invoice might contain the subtotal, sales tax, and total in the table, but since each of these fields only have one value per document, they should not be extracted as part of the table.


To prevent IQ Bot from extracting values beyond the End of table indicator/section, do the following steps:

  1. In the table/section setting, navigate to the Best field. . field. For that field, map a table/section header as field label, but shift to advanced table/section, mapping the first row value as the field value.
  2. For other table/section fields, you only need to map their first row values as the field values.
  3. In the middle panel, for Advanced table options, select Stop extraction at End of table/section.
    Provide the value for the End of table/section indicator field in any of the following ways:
    • In the right panel, select a blue-bounded box around a text value to populate that text value as the End of table/section indicator.
    • Alternatively, type a value directly in to the End of table indicator/section field, in the middle panel.
    • To add multiple values for the End of table indicator/section field, type a pipe symbol and a subsequent text value where | refers to OR (for example, Subtotal | Subtotal Amounts refers to Subtotal OR Subtotal Amounts).