IQ Bot 11.x: IQ Bot prerequisite steps

Complete the steps before you begin installing IQ Bot.


  1. User needs to have SYSADMIN or following privileges for SQL database account as this is used during installation to create database and run the BULK INSERT statement.
    IQ Bot 6.5.2 onwards, the SYSADMIN role is not a mandatory requirement by the installer. Instead, it verifies if the user has the following privileges:
    • SQL connection (CONNECT SQL)
    • Database creation (CREATE ANY DATABASE)
    • View any database (VIEW ANY DATABASE)
    Note: Installation with Microsoft Azure SQL requires the dbmanager role.
    Note: Installation with AWS RDS requires a role with the above three privileges. These privileges are already assigned to the db_owner role in RDS.

    Grant permissions for a specific database user and see the permissions for that role using the following TSQL query:

    SELECT * FROM fn_my_permissions(NULL, 'SERVER').

  2. First enable HTTPS, to configure IQ Bot with HTTPS. Keep the following HTTPS certificate files ready for use:
    • Control Room certificate in .crt format (Certificate Authority list bundle).
    • Control Room certificate in .crt format (Server side public certificate).
    • IQ Bot server certificate in .pfx and .crt format.
    Important: Install the .crt certificates for Control Room manually to their appropriate certificate stores.
  3. Keep the following ports open because they are used by IQ Bot services:

  • Application access port (configurable): 3000
  • Database access port (configurable): 1433
  • Internal application services ports (fixed): 8100, 9002, 9991, 9992, 9995, 9996, 9997, 9998, 9999
  • Inbound listening ports:
    • 47100-47200 on IQ Bot server for IQ Bot-Control Room communication.
    • 47100-47200 and 47500-47600 on Control Room server.
  • RabbitMQ v3.8.18
    • Port: 5672
    • Port: 5673

  1. When upgrading from IQ Bot Version 5.3.1.x, if you have learning instances that rely on the 5.3.1.x check box or linked table functionality, clear the validation queue before upgrading to IQ Bot Version 6.5.x and above.
  2. If your SQL Server version is older than SQL Server Native Client 2012, a dialog box appears, giving you the option to upgrade. Open services.msc and stop the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) to do the upgrade. Then continue with the installation process.
  3. During the upgrade process, the installer will detect existing learning instances from a previous version of IQ Bot. To retain the original classifier for those learning instances, select that earlier version of IQ Bot from the drop-down list. This ensures consistency in the behavior of the learning instances with that earlier version.
  4. IQ Bot installer is case sensitive about the user account created for SQL Server or Windows.
    Important: Use the username as it appears on the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio under Security > Logins. If it was created in upper case, then use upper case for the username to launch the installer. Additionally, verify if the collation database property is set to case sensitive.