IQ Bot Version Release Notes
- 최종 업데이트2022/06/01
IQ Bot Version Release Notes
Review the new features, changed features, fixed features, and known limitations in Version of Automation Anywhere IQ Bot. There are no security fixes in this release.
New features
Delete bot option in IQ Bot
(Service Cloud case ID:
00096258, 00595526) Users with Edit bot permission can view and use the Delete bot option in the Designer. After a bot is deleted from the system, it will not be displayed in the Learning Instance or Bots listing pages.
IQ Bot removes all document details from
staging, and all unprocessed production documents are moved
to the Validator.
Note: The functionality is not affected in any way
by the Delete bot feature.
Alert for successful or pending document
Document validation status is now displayed on the Learning instances page. A green icon is used for all successful document validations, and a red icon shows any pending validations. |
Changed features
Extract data from a table that spans across multiple
pages (Service Cloud case ID: 00572574,
00341694) IQ Bot can now extract data successfully from an entire table that spans across multiple pages and that has a table header only on the first page. |
Validator enhancements (Service
Cloud case ID:
00470258) You can now hide the Skip to next file and Mark as Invalid options using configuration settings. The options are currently enabled by default. To enable the option to hide them, contact Automation Anywhere Support. |
Fixed features
Service Cloud case ID | Description |
00552830 | You can now use the unique validation link to access documents without any errors. |
00574815 | Documents are now correctly classified irrespective of the document type. |
00371795 | When you use table extraction from a document with multiple tables, the data from the specified table is now extracted correctly. |
00538480 | The Options method is now disabled for HTTP requests. |
00538480 | Cross origin resource sharing is now restricted in IQ Bot. |
00551886 | Unicode issue with table validation for Asian languages is now resolved. |
00421067 | The activities time stamp is now captured correctly in the Control Room Audit Logs tab. |
Known limitations
If you create a learning instance
and click Workaround: Clear your browser cache and try to edit the learning instances. |
, a blank page is displayed.
If you log in to the Control Room as an IQ Bot administrator, a 502 system error is displayed when you click the IQ Bot tab in the navigation bar. |
In Internet Explorer,
you cannot save a document or mark it as invalid in the learning
instances validator screen. Workaround: Use the Google Chrome browser to access the learning instances validator screen. |
If you remove a bot (Delete a bot) associated with the document from the staging environment, you must create a group before uploading this document to the production environment. However, after deleting the bot from the staging environment, you cannot create or edit the group when you upload the same document to the production environment. |
(Service Cloud Case ID:
00605607) When you draw a box to select text in the Validator and try to save the document, it is sometimes not saved, and the corresponding .csv file is not created in the output folder. |
(Service Cloud case ID:
00737991) When you are creating a learning instance and training your document, the IQ Bot system cannot extract data from tables with the same Header Name and Column Value. Workaround: Try combining Header Name or Column Value with the adjacent column. Additionally, you can provide a Python postprocessing script to separate the values during extraction. |