IQ Bot audit log in Control Room
- 최종 업데이트2021/10/20
IQ Bot audit log in Control Room
IQ Bot uses audit logs to enforce accountability, reconstruct events, and detect intrusion and issues. The administrator is able to see logs for all users in the Audit Logs tab of the Control Room.
Actions done in IQ Bot by a user are logged in the Audit Logs tab in the Control Room. All successful and unsuccessful entries are logged with the reasons for failures.
The Audit Log tab of the Control Room is updated every 60 seconds after user actions are taken in IQ Bot.
- Navigate to Source from the list of available options. , and click the column drop-down list to select the
- From the Choose source drop-down list, select IQ Bot.
- The Audit Logs tab shows all logs for IQ Bot.
- Click the Audit details icon to view the following:
- Action details for successful logs
- Results for failure logs
- Use the All columns field to select the column to filter
by. The logs appear by the following columns:
- Status
- Time
- Action Type
- Item Name
- Action Taken By
- Source Device
- Source
The following actions are logged in the Audit Log tab
Learning instance
- Create, edit, or delete learning instance
- Send learning instance to Production (and vice versa)
- Send learning instance to Staging (and vice versa)
Validation of learning instance
- file marked as invalid
- file validated successfully
Train bot
- Bot training
- Send bot to Production (and vice versa)
- Send bot to Staging (and vice versa)
Migrate learning instances (export or import)
Configure domain
Create domain