Export a learning instance using the Migration Utility.

Follow these steps to export a learning instance using the Migration Utility:


  1. Navigate to the Administration tab > Migration from the left panel to open that page.
  2. Select one or more learning instances as per your requirement and click Export.
  3. Enter an appropriate name for the IQ Bot archive (IQBA) data file, and click to begin the export process.
    The name of the backup file is appended with a time stamp to make it unique.
  4. Wait for the export process to complete. Once completed, the exported data file with the .iqba extension becomes available in the BackupData folder in the IQ Bot output directory.
    C:\Users\Public\Documents\Automation Anywhere IQBot Platform\Output\BackupData
    When an export process is in progress, limited user interaction is allowed with the IQ Bot Portal because export is a CPU-intensive activity.
    Note: Exporting learning instances does not export production data; therefore, the Dashboard might not be displayed.