Choose to migrate data from your source Control Room based on roles, users, or bots.


Complete the Connect to source Control Room database task before selecting the migration type.

If a migration process is running and you try to change the migration type, a message instructs you to retry after the previous migration completes.

However, if the machine restarts when the migration is in progress, start the migration process although the status is shown as In Progress.


  1. In the Settings tab of the Migration wizard, select the migration option:
    • Roles and associated data: In addition to the roles, data associated with those roles, for example, users, licenses, bots, folder access permissions, information about the user who created the bot, credentials, historical activity, and schedules are also migrated. Use this option. To skip migrating the data associated with the selected roles, select Exclude bots and schedules.
    • Users and associated data: In addition to the users, data associated with those users, for example, roles, licenses, bots, credentials, historical activity, and schedules are also migrated. To skip migrating the data associated with the selected users, select Exclude bots and schedules.

      If you select this option, the roles that are not associated with any user are not migrated and the schedules that are associated with the users that were not selected for migration are also not migrated.

    • Bots and Schedules: In addition to the selected bots dependent data, for example, subtasks, files, historical activity, and schedules are migrated automatically. The roles and users are not migrated.
  2. If you choose to migrate data based on Bots and Schedules, do the following:
    1. Select the Exclude MetaBots option to skip migrating the MetaBots and dependent MetaBots of Task Bots.
    2. Select the Overwrite if bot already exists option, if you have the updated/latest version of bots in the source database and you must overwrite the same bot which was previously migrated to 11.x.
    3. Select the Include Historical Activity option to include the task run history of the bots that are selected for migration.
      Note: Before you migrate the Historical Activity, you must migrate the associated Users and the Bots and ensure that you log in to the same Device as that of 10.x version to prevent the failure of the historical activity migration.
  3. Click Next.

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