Verify a basic MetaBot works

Run the MetaBot created in this task to verify that it works as expected.


The Assemble a basic MetaBot task must be completed successfully before you can complete this task.

Verify that you have the following access and permissions:


  1. Open the LOGIC created in Add Logic and local variables to a basic MetaBot.
  2. Click Run in the top menu bar.
  3. Click OK to dismiss the open windows.

    MetaBots can be used with other bots created using the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client.

    Here is a summary of the key learning points:

    • Created a DLL which has methods for execution
    • Added the DLL as an asset to a MetaBot
    • Added Logic to perform the operation
    • Used Action Items in the MetaBot to call the method, generate a return, and output the results