Install the Automation Anywhere plug-in for Citrix only on machines where both Citrix Receiver and Enterprise Client are installed.


Note: Install the Citrix Receiver before you install the Enterprise Client.

If you installed Enterprise Client before the Citrix Receiver:

  1. Uninstall Enterprise Client.
  2. Install the Citrix Receiver and verify the Automation.CitrixDriver.dll is in the <Citrix installation path> \Citrix\ICA Client folder. For example:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client

  3. Logoff from the Citrix web and log back in.
  4. Reinstall the Enterprise Client.


  1. From the Windows machine, open a command prompt as Administrator.
  2. Change the directory to the location where the Enterprise Client is installed.

    For example, if the client is installed at the location C:\Program Files(x86)\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\Client, run the command:

    cd "C:\Program Files(x86)\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\Client"

    The quotes are required around the specified path because there are space characters in the pathname.

  3. Run the plug-in installation command.

    AAPluginInstallation.exe /citrix /install.

    A success message appears after successful installation of the Automation Anywhere plug-in for Citrix.

  4. On the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client dialog box, click OK.
  5. Modify the AA.Settings.xml file:
    1. From the Enterprise Client, select Tools > Options to find the location of the file.
    2. Click Advanced Settings.
    3. Open the AA.Settings.xml file from the location shown in the Application Path field.
    4. Add the <isremoteobjectdetectionenabled> and <citrixchanneltimeout> tags.

      Set <isremoteobjectdetectionenabled> to true

      Set <citrixchanneltimeout> required value. The Citrix session timeout value is in milliseconds.

      For example:

      The image highlights the tags that must be added.
  6. Save and close the file.