Record simple tasks that run on the computer.

Automation Anywhere records activities, including keystrokes, mouse movements and mouse clicks. Before recording task, take these best practices into consideration:
  • Avoid using mouse clicks
  • Use keystrokes and shortcuts when possible
  • Maximize all windows
  • Avoid clicking applications that are not part of the process you want to record and automate
  • Record the task at low speed
  • Avoid dragging windows while recording
  • Avoid double-clicking on application icons to start applications while recording


  1. Click Record.
    The Enterprise Client window disappears from view, and a small Stop Recording window appears.
  2. Perform the actions to record.
    Open applications, new windows, click buttons, fill in forms, search a website, and so on.
  3. Click Stop.
    Stop when finished recording the task. The Save Task window is displayed.
  4. Enter the directory name to save the recorded task.
    Supply name or accept the default directory, My Tasks.
  5. Enter a name for the recorded task.
    Optionally, select Create Shortcut on Desktop to provide a shortcut on the desktop to run the recorded task.
    Note: Create the shortcut after saving the task as follows:
    1. In the Enterprise Client window, select the task in the Task List.
    2. Right-click on the task, and choose Send To→ Desktop (Create Shortcut).
  6. Save the task.
    If necessary, enter a password to protect the task.