You can configure a COE dashboard to specify how certain information is displayed. You can add or remove widgets, rearrange them and also change the default Business Information to reflect the correct metadata for your bot.
The Business Information tab displays the following information:
  • Bot Name: Name of the bot.
  • Business Dashboard: Provides the View option that enables you to view the published business dashboards for the bot. Administrators and RPA sponsors can easily view all the published dashboard and get an insight about the transactions the bot has processed. See Viewing business analytics dashboard from CoE dashboard"
  • Folder Name: Location where the bot is stored on the Enterprise Client machine.
  • Bot Display Name: Enables you to specify a name that will be displayed instead of the original name of the bot that displays in the Bot Name column.
  • Process Name: Enables you to specify the name of the process for which the bot is created. For example, invoice processing, order to cash, account reconciliations, and so on.
  • Department: Enables you to specify the name of the department for which the bot is created. For example, human resource, finance, sales, and so on.
  • Money Saved Per Unit: This is a numeric field that displays the money saved per unit per bot. The default value for this field is set to 100. (This can be measured as the currency in which your organization operates). This field is editable and can be updated. You can specify the amount of money saved when you run the bot in the production environment. You must update the value as and when you add more functionality to the bot to reflect the latest savings.
  • Hours Saved Per Unit: This is a numeric field that displays the hours saved per unit per bot. The default value for this field is set to 10 hours. This field is editable and can be updated. You can specify the number of hours saved when you run the bot in the production environment. You must update the value as and when you add more functionality to the bot to reflect the latest savings.
  • Units: Select an option from the list to specify how to calculate ROI for a bot.

    Following options are available:

    • Per Hour: This option calculates the ROI based on the time the bot runs.
    • Transaction Count: This option is important to set if you want accurate ROI calculations to display on the dashboards. It calculates the ROI based on the transactions processed by the bot. As a best practice, enable your bots to log all business transactions. This option calculates the ROI based on the transactions processed by the bot.
      Note: Transaction count is the number of records processed by a bot and is different than Volume which is shown as a metric on the COE Dashboard. The Volume is the total number of records processed by all the bots in production.

    The units are used in the widgets of the dashboard to display information about the sum of transactions or sum of hours saved. It also helps in identifying the number of transactions processed for a process, department, or both.

To configure a COE dashboard, do the following:


  1. Open the COE dashboard that you want to configure. See Viewing a CoE dashboard.
  2. Click the Business Information tab.
  3. Click Edit at the bottom-right of the window.
  4. You can edit values for the following fields:
    • Bot Name
    • Process Name
    • Department Name
    • Money Saved Per Unit
    • Hours Saved Per Unit
    • Units
  5. You can click Add Business Information to add additional business information. See Adding business information to CoE dashboard.
  6. Click Save and Generate Dashboard.
    The following formulae are used to calculate the money saved and hours saved:
    When the Per Hour option is selected from the Units list:
    • Money saved = (End time – Start time) in hours * the value specified in the Money Saved Per Unit field
    • Hours saved = (End time – Start time) in hours * the value specified in the Hours Saved Per Unit field
    When the Transaction Count option is selected from the Units list:
    • Money saved = SUM(for the selected numeric column) of all rows from Task_Run table for that RUN ID * the value specified in the Money Saved Per Unit field.
    • Hours saved = SUM(for the selected numeric column) of all rows from Task_Run table for that RUN ID * the value specified in the Hours Saved Per Unit field.
    • Failed transactions
    • Aborted transactions
    The COE dashboard supports the following time-stamp formats:
    • YYYY/MM/DD
    • MM-DD-YYYY
    • MM/DD/YYYY
    • DD-MM-YYYY
    • DD/MM/YYYY