Add a DLL to the MetaBot

Add a single DLL to a MetaBot to enable dynamic input and output.


Ensure you have created a basic MetaBot: Enterprise 11: Create a basic MetaBot.

Verify that you have the following access and permissions:

This task starts in the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client on the MetaBots tab.


  1. From the Enterprise Client, open the MyApp4MetaBot.mbot in the My MetaBots list.
  2. In the MetaBot Designer window, open the ASSETS tab.
  3. Click Add DLL on the MetaBot Designer tool menu.
    This is the DLL that you created previously.
  4. Locate and select the MyApp4Lib.dll.
  5. Click Open.
    The DLL is now added to the MetaBot ASSETS tab.

Next steps

Add Logic to the MetaBot to handle how the DLLs and commands interact: Add Logic and local variables to a basic MetaBot.