To automate web enabled tasks, configure the Web Recorder settings from Tools→Options→Web Recorder Settings.

  • Recorder Settings
    Record on Mouse Down
    Select to record a task with the help of Web Recorder using mouse down event (i.e. while scrolling).
  • Runtime Settings
    Internet Explorer Timeout
    Define the time (in seconds) for the Internet Explorer browser to wait before the required page uploads. The maximum time out allowed is 240 seconds.
    Parallel Threads to Find Broken Links
    Input the number of broken links that can be processed at a time. Default is set at 10.
    Find Broken Links Time Out
    Use this to allow the web recorder to wait for the 'Broken Link' to exist. Default is set at 10.
  • General Settings
    Launch Internet Explorer as a Process
    Enable this option while recording in stringent security environments.