Multi-login user

A multi-login user can log in to multiple sessions of a Control Room at the same time.

Multi Login Sessions

A multi-login token is required to configure a user to run multiple sessions simultaneously. A Control Room user with permission to manage users can designate a user as a multi-login service user. Designating a multi-login user can be achieved through either the UI or API.

The table below provides details of using both the UI and API to designate a user with multi-login capabilities.

Authorize using UI Authorize using API
In the Control Room, go to Administration > Users and select Allow under Allow multiple sessions to enable multi-login.

Authorize Multi Login in the UI

For more information on multiple active UI sessions, see Multiple active user sessions.

Using the create user API
POST http://{{ControlRoomURL}}/v2/usermanagement/users
Request body to allow multiple login token:
There are two ways to generate a multi-login token:
  • Using password/mutipleLogin parameters: During user authentication, setting the multipleLogin parameter to true will generate a multi-login token.
    POST http://{{ControlRoomURL}}/v1/authentication
    Request body to generate multi-login token using password and multipleLogin parameters:
  • API Key: Users can use an API key instead of using password and the multipleLogin parameters to generate a multi-login token via the Authentication API.
    POST http://{{ControlRoomURL}}/v1/authentication
    Request body to generate multi-login token using API Key:
       "apiKey": "IvtAhY0NU7baRLYEeIYUJSKO"
    Note: However, using an API key does not bypass the permission requirement. The user still needs the specific permission ("multipleLoginAllowed":true) granted.